Developmental Coordination Disorder

Learn about Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) and how to adapt your coaching to ensure players with DCD can join in the fun at footy.

Learn about Developmental Coordination Disorder


Young people with DCD often need support to undertake certain movements. This can include everyday tasks, such as brushing their teeth, using knives and forks, handwriting and dressing themselves.

They may be less confident about playing with other young people, particularly when the activities involve movement, like playing footy. This can mean that young people with DCD exclude themselves from playing with others, or stand to the side.

Every young person with DCD is unique. For example, DCD may affect some young people’s speech. Some young people may need support coordinating their movements when they walk, and may bump into things or trip over. Others may need support to use their hands and may drop things. Regardless, the need to be included and given a chance to succeed in physical activities are the most important factors to consider when working with young people with DCD.

By providing a safe and supportive environment, you can help keep young people with DCD engaged and safe. With a little planning, you can ensure they have enriching opportunities to make friends, learn new skills and participate in the footy fun.

Players with DCD may need support with marking the football, kicking, running and playing.

As players with DCD get older, they may become more aware of their motor abilities, and may lose confidence. They may withdraw from footy by either standing to the side, or not playing footy at all.

[Ethan] My name is Ethan. This is my story. 

I live with DCD. 

It's hard to kind of talk and hand coordination too, but I find ways to get through it and that.

The way I got into footy with, probably with my cousin. Me and my cousin used to play Auskick together, and then I left clubs and went to Safety Bay, and then played my whole footy career there. And then, yeah, hopefully some more footy left in me. 

My favourite thing about footy is probably meeting new people, and doing new drills. Help other people learn too. And also just playing the games on the weekend, and actually competing and that, running from players and that. It's fun.

[Gavin] Hi, my name's Gavin. This is my son, Ethan. The advice I'd give to coaches is to focus on the child's strengths, asking parents about the condition, looking up the condition online, or asking other parents as well, and getting other kids involved with the child with the disabilities as well.

[Ethan] I coach the Year 8s. It's a little bit hard, but they all listen, surprisingly, to me. I love coaching the Year 8s, teaching them what I learned and how them can improve. 

This is my story, but everyone's will be different.

Strategies and tips

Ask the young person what they want to be able to do

For example, they may want to mark the footy. Plan how they might be able to do this, including talking about techniques and strategies that they might use. Let them practise the skill. Give the player a chance to check how they went and evaluate their performance. A player’s plan can then change as they try to reach their goals.

If more support is needed work with players to modify their goal, as necessary, so that they can become achievable. For example, they may be able to tap the ball from the air down to the ground where they can then pick it up, rather than mark the footy.

Simplify training drills

Simplify the tasks and activities where necessary. This can give players with DCD a chance to increase their footy skills and confidence, which can increase their enjoyment.

Give more time

Slowing activities down and simplifying instructions can be a useful way of helping players succeed. For example, encourage walking rather than running the first time an activity is played to help slow it down. Some players might need more time to respond verbally.

Give more practise

Use repetition when learning skills. Some players might need extra practise. Allow them to do more repetitions if needed and move to new, more complex skills once the player has mastered the previous skill.

Match groups by skill level

Matching players of the same skill level in small groups for activities may help young people feel more at ease and confident in their abilities. Assign groups yourself. This will reduce the chance of someone feeling excluded.

Keep young people with DCD active and included

Offer all roles. There are many roles on the footy field. Young people with DCD could umpire or throw the ball back in to stay involved and active if you notice them withdrawing, or not wanting to play. This may help their confidence.

Check in with the young person and their family

A discreet and brief chat post session with a young person with DCD and their family can help identify what activities they enjoyed, and whether some activities can be further modified for next time.

Additional resources

Footy stories

Footy stories are a great way to assist young people with disability to become familiar with the wonderful world of footy. You can find all of our footy stories on the Parent Information Page.

Further training

If you would like further information and resources, you can visit our Coach page. You can also learn more about how to be an inclusive coach by completing the AllPlay Footy Disability Inclusion Coaching Course. This course provides you with tools and resources for creating inclusive environments at footy. Simply create an account or login to your existing profile to enrol in the course!