I, the Participant, declare that I have read and understood, and agree to be bound by, these Terms and Conditions and the associated Code of Conduct set out below and that the statements made, and details provided, in the registration form (Form) are true and correct.
I acknowledge that completing and submitting an application for registration (Application) does not infer that registration will be granted to the Participant and the AFL and affiliated State Football Body (State Football Body) reserve the right to refuse an application for registration without explanation.
These terms along with a completed Form make up the terms on which you agree to participate in the AFL Nines and NAB AFL Superkick programs of the AFL or State Football Body as described at and respectively (Program).
1. Rules, Regulations and Policies
By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, the Participant:
(a) agrees to be bound by the rules, regulations and policies of, or approved or adopted by the AFL or State Football Body, including the National Community Football Policy Handbook, to the extent they are applicable to their Program; and
(b) acknowledges that a failure to adhere to such rules, regulations and policies may result in the Participant being de-registered or suspended.
2. Safeguarding Children and Young People
The AFL is committed to promoting and protecting the safety and wellbeing of children and young people in the AFL’s care who are involved in the Program. The AFL has published its Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy, Code of Conduct and Reporting Procedure (
The AFL requires that all parents, guardians and other spectators associated with the AFL and related State Football Bodies:
- understand and comply with the Code of Behaviour as set out at item 12 of these Terms and Conditions;
- when necessary, politely and respectfully remind others of their obligations under the Code of Behaviour; and
- in the event of serious or ongoing breaches of the Code of Behaviour by another person, to report the matter to a ground or club official so that appropriate action can be taken.
If parents, guardians or other spectators witness or have a concern regarding child abuse, they must report this on the AFL’s safeguarding children and young people reporting platform ( or to an appropriate person involved in the Program.
3. Application to Participate
(a) In order to participate in the Program, the Participant must:
i. in respect of Superkick, be 8 to 12 years of age as at 31st for December in year of participation;
ii. in respect of AFL Nines, be 13 years of age or older as at 31st for December in year of participation;
iii. complete the online Application;
iv. agree to these Terms and Conditions;
v. pay a fee to the AFL by completing the online credit card section during an online registration process (Fee);
vi. agree that you/your child understands the Code of Behaviour (as set out at item 12 of these Terms and Conditions).
(the Application).
(b) You warrant that you, or each child that you submit an Application for, does not have a known pre-existing medical or other condition which makes it unsafe for the individual to participate in the Program and agree that you will, if requested by the AFL or State Football Body, provide a certificate from a duly qualified medical practitioner certifying that the individual is fit to participate in the Program.
(c) The AFL or State Football Body will not:
i. process any Application that is incomplete, incorrect, unclear or damaged; or
ii. accept any changes to the Application unless agreed by all parties, except for a change of contact details.
4. Participant benefits and number of sessions
(a) Once an AFL Superkick Application is accepted by the AFL and the associated Fee paid to the AFL in accordance with item 3(a)(v), the Participant will receive the relevant participant benefits for the AFL Superkick Program for which the Participant has registered to participate as follows:
i. NAB AFL Superkick – Community (Club) Program: Participants will be mailed their Superkick benefits pack.
ii. NAB AFL Superkick – School Program: Participants will be mailed their Superkick benefits pack.
iii. NAB AFL Superkick – Other Program: Participants may receive a Superkick benefits pack that will be handed out by the relevant Program Coordinator or staff member.
iv. NAB AFL Superkick – Modified Program: Participants may receive a Superkick benefits pack that will be handed out by the relevant Program Coordinator or staff member.
v. NAB AFL Superkick – Holiday Program: Participants may receive a Superkick benefits pack that may be sent via mail or handed out by the relevant Program Coordinator or staff member.
(b) Each Superkick Program will consist of a minimum number of sessions as follows:
i. Community Program: 6 sessions;
ii. School Program: 4 sessions;
iii. Modified, Other, Holiday Program: 1 session.
(Minimum Session Commitment).
Additional sessions may be provided above the Minimum Session Commitment at the discretion of the Program coordinators and this will be communicated with you at the time of registration.
(a) Each AFL Nines Program will consist of a minimum number of rounds as follows:
i. Club, League delivered program: 4 rounds;
ii. AFL delivered program: 4 rounds;
iii. Events: 3 rounds.
(Minimum Round Commitment).
(b) Additional sessions may be provided above the Minimum Round Commitment at the discretion of the Program coordinators and this will be communicated with you at the time of registration.
5. Registration Fees
(a) The AFL and State Football Body accepts registration fees on behalf of teams and/or individuals for participation in Programs.
(b) The registration fees cover individual participation. Participants must register their details to be covered under the AFL Insurance Scheme. Until such time that a player has completed their Application it is the responsibility of the team captain/manager to keep a record of all unregistered players who participate.
6. Cancellation, Refunds and Termination
(a) If you wish to cancel your Application, you must notify the AFL or State Football Body (whichever body is managing the Program) in writing.
(b) Once you have registered and paid for the Program, unless required by law, a refund will only be provided in the following circumstances:
i. the Participant has a medical condition which prevents him or her from any further activity (a doctor’s certificate will be required); or
ii. the AFL or State Football Body deems that the Program has not been delivered to the reasonable expected standard.
(c) Where a Program has commenced, a refund under clause (b) may be offered as a pro-rata amount based on the number of rounds of the Program completed by the Participant. Where a Participant has completed more than 50% of the rounds in a Program, that Participant will not be entitled to a refund.
(d) The AFL and State Football Body are not liable to you for any loss or damage you suffer as a result of the Program being cancelled, postponed or changed.
(e) The AFL or State Football Body may terminate your involvement in the Program on reasonable grounds at any time, including if your behaviour interferes with other safety or enjoyment of other participants in the Program.
(f) Any approved refunds will be subject to processing fees and/or administration fees associated with the registration process.
Questions regarding a refund should be directed to AFL Customer Service team via email ( for Nines and for Superkick)
7. Privacy
(a) The personal information that the AFL collects on the registration form is used for the purpose of processing your request for participation in the Program. The AFL or State Football Body may also use this information to send you AFL and Program related information or offers.
(b) The AFL or State Football Body may also use your information or disclose it to AFL Clubs and third parties for the purposes of research, development and marketing in accordance with the AFL's Privacy Policy available at:
8. Photographs
You consent to the AFL and State Football Body using your name or image or footage, film, video or audio which may feature you in any form or medium for general marketing and promotional activities.
If you do not consent to such use, you acknowledge that you must contact your Program coordinator.
9. Assumption of Risk
By agreeing to the conditions set out in these Terms and Conditions, the Participant acknowledges and agrees that:
(a) Australian Football is a physical sport in which physical injury may occur from time to time and, based on this understanding, they nonetheless desirous of playing, coaching and/or administering Australian Football; and
(b) the Participant takes upon themselves the risk (both physical and legal) of injury arising in the course of training for and/or participating in the Program.
10. Limitation of Liability and Release
The Participant acknowledges and agrees that:
(a) by accepting to bear the inherent risks of participating in the Program, the Participant will not bring any claim or proceeding against the AFL or State Football Body for any damage, loss or injury whatsoever that they may suffer from participation in Program; and
(b) to the extent permitted by law, the AFL’s or State Football Body’s liability to the Participant is limited to the AFL or State Football body supplying any services to which the Participant is entitled in accordance with these Terms and Conditions; and
(c) the Participant understands that as a registered person participating in a Program they may be entitled to certain sports injury insurance benefits subject to the terms of insurance applicable to the relevant Program.
11. General
(a) The AFL or State Football Body may reject or choose not to accept a registration in its absolute discretion, including if there are insufficient numbers to stage the Program or there are too many participants in the Program.
(b) The AFL or State Football Body may, at their discretion, alter or reject any team name submitted as part of the registration process for a Program.
(c) The AFL or State Football Body may change any dates, session times, durations and locations of the Program at any time and without notice.
12. Code of Behaviour
By registering in the Program you agree to adhere to the Code of Behaviour as set out below.
The requirements of the Code of Behaviour shall apply at all times during, or in relation to, the Program.
Applies to: All Persons (including Participants, Parents / Guardians, Spectators, Officials, Coaches, Volunteers)
Show respect to all participants in the Program regardless of their race, gender, ability, cultural background, appearance or religion.
Show respect to the Program staff, officials, umpires, coaches and volunteers.
Control your temper.
Be responsible for your actions.
Comply with any direction given by Program staff or AFL employee in accordance with these Terms and Conditions, including any request to modify your behaviour, or to leave the venue, following a breach of this Code of Conduct.
- Engage in behaviour that is not in the spirit of Australian football.
- Act in a manner or make a comment (including via Social Media) that vilifies or discriminates against any other person on the basis of race, gender, ability, cultural background, appearance or religion.
- Physically abuse, assault or intimidate another person.
- Act in a manner or make a comment (verbal or written) that encourages or incites violence or that may create a hostile environment.
- Make any comment (verbal or written, including via Social Media) that is abusive, insulting, demeaning, offensive, or threatening toward another person.
- Bully or harass (including via Social Media) another person.
- Act or speak in a manner that mocks or insults a Participant if they make a mistake or do not play well.
- Argue with an official, umpire or Program staff.
- Smoke, vape or consume alcohol whilst in attendance at a Superkick Program session or event.
Applies to: Participant (in addition to the requirements for All Persons)
Play within the spirit of Australian football and by the rules of the Program.
Be a good sport and set a good example for everyone.
Demonstrate good sportsmanship by respecting and acknowledging good play by all participants.
Co-operate with your coaches, team-mates, officials and opponents (without them there would be no competition).
Respect and accept the decisions of umpires, officials and Program staff.
Participate for your own enjoyment and benefit and for the enjoyment and benefit of your teammates; not to please anyone else.
- Commit an act that may constitute a reportable offence under the Laws of Australian Football.
- Argue with umpire, official or Program staff member.
- Sledge or deliberately distract or provoke an opponent.
Applies to: Parent / Guardian of a Superkick Participant (in addition to the requirements for All Persons)
- Be present for the duration of any session or event that child attends at a Superkick session. If you are unable to be present then you must ensure that there is another trusted adult (other than Program Staff) that will oversee the child during the duration of the Superkick session.
- Help your child understand and comply with the Program Rules and this Code of Conduct.
- Encourage your child’s participation in a positive manner.
Any breach of the Code of Behaviour in an AFL Nines Program may be dealt with under relevant provisions of the National Community Football Policy Handbook or as follows:
- An umpire may issue a Participant or coach with a Yellow Card or Red Card for a breach of the Code of Behaviour committed during an AFL Nines match.
- A Yellow Card will result in the Participant being sent from the field for a period of 5 minutes during which time they cannot be replaced. Two Yellow Cards issued to the Participant in one match will result in a Red Card being issued.
- A Red Card will result in the Participant being sent from the field for the remainder of the match during which time they cannot be replaced. The Participant will also be reported for the offence by the umpire and will incur an automatic minimum one match suspension. Upon review of the umpire report by the relevant Controlling Body or AFL, this suspension may be extended to two or more matches based on the nature and severity of the Participant’s breach.
Any breach of this Code of Behaviour in a Superkick Program may be dealt with at the discretion of the umpire, AFL official in attendance or relevant Controlling Body and may include, but is not limited to:
- A Participant being sent from the field for a period of time (during which time they can be replaced);
- Suspension of a Participant from participation in one or more sessions of the Program;
- Exclusion of a Participant or person from attendance at the remainder of the Program.
Nothing in this Code of Behaviour limits the relevant Controlling Body or AFL from applying the National Community Football Policy Handbook where the Participant’s conduct may fall under sections 9 (Member Protection), 10 (Vilification and Discrimination), 11 (Safeguarding Children and Yong People) or 12 (Social Media) of that Policy Handbook.
13. Under 18s
Where the Participant is under 18 years of age, by completing this registration application, the parent or guardian of the Participant:
(a) acknowledges that they have read and explained the contents of this registration application to the Participant;
(b) consents to the Participant participating in the Program, subject to the Terms and Conditions of Participation in this registration application;
(c) declares that the statements made, and information provided, in the registration application are true and correct.