Professional Learning
AFL Teacher Training
We can definitely learn from teachers, too. So we’ve collaborated with educators to develop a number of professional learning sessions for school teachers looking to incorporate AFL into their classrooms. There are currently three session options, so teachers can select those that best meet their own developmental and professional needs.
All professional learning options are aligned with Australian Professional Standards for teachers and come with accreditation in the form of a certificate of completion.
Online modules
Our professional development courses are available completely online and made up of three stages that span all of primary school. Modules are interactive, so you’ll be asked to complete practical and written tasks.
Click below to create a FREE account on our Learn AFL platform, where you’ll get access to all online modules.
Professional learning series
To help teachers effectively deliver AFL in their schools, we’ve created a series of short professional learning videos.
For accreditation or proof of completion purposes, here are the standard descriptors for this component from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers.
The AFL regularly hosts webinars for teachers on a range of topics. Sign up to be a school’s member here so you get notified when they’re coming up, and check out past webinars below.
For accreditation or proof of completion purposes, here are the standard descriptors for this component from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers.
The AFL GOALS podcast series, hosted by award winning journalist Mon Schafter, talks to Dr Harriet Hiscock about Mental Health. Dr Hiscock’s expertise on this subject is invaluable, working as the Group Lead at the Murdoch Childrens Research Institute, she offers insights on mental health and wellness based on the latest research in this field. Her knowledge will help empower teachers to lead these important conversations with students and will complement the teaching of the GOALS mental health units.