The following resources have been developed to assist with increasing engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and creating culturally safe environments for players, coaches, umpires, volunteers and member. To get started, check out episode one of the Fair Play Series on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.
Section 1
Fair Play Series - Episode 1 - Indigenous People
Section 2
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders
Cultural inclusion is paramount within sporting clubs.
It must be at the forefront of our actions to ensure everyone is included. Special attention is needed to make sure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people feel welcome in our football clubs. There are various measures we can adopt to ensure this cultural inclusivity. This document will guide your club through ideas and best practices for the inclusion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Section 3
Creating a more diverse and inclusive club
Download the Fair Play Tips for creating a more Diverse and Inclusive Club below.