Resource Centre

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Activity Type
Number of Helpers
Superkick Skill

Base Attack

NAB AFL Superkickers' will learn passing, marking and the importance of teamwork

Challenge Handball

It's all about handballing and spatial awareness with Challenge Handball!

Goal Ball

Master the art of handballing, movement and evasion skills!

Magic Circle

A fun and simple game that will get NAB AFL Superkickers' moving and responding to cues!

Match Play

Let's play footy! Tackle-free match play that’s safe and fun.

Paired Skills

Learn and practise footy skills with a mate!

Random Feeds

NAB AFL Superkickers' experience the unpredictable bounce of the football!

Rapid Fire

Practise kicking and marking skills in small groups!


Scout and find your teammate, but do it quickly and accurately!

Total Teamwork

A footy-take on the classic game "keepings off"!